Addiction is a brain disease that affect lots of lives around the world. Addiction is more complex than most people realize.

For each person who is suffering from addiction, they have peculiar needs so this means their mode of treatment is distinct.

There are some addicts who do not want to commence addiction treatment and the reason for this is because, they do not know what to expect.

For addicts who are recovering, it could be a complex process for them, this is why it is important to provide as much ample information as possible.

There are various strategies that can be employed to proficiently treat an individual, and they have been grouped into five broad stages:

  • Pre-contemplation: This is the stage where addicts are yet to admit that they are addicted. During this phase, they have faced lots of problems due to their addiction, but they are unaware that they have a problem.

So what they would do typically, is to avoid any talk that has to do with an addiction. Once these individuals have been convinced to believe that they have a problem, they move on to the next phase.

  • Contemplation: During this stage, the addicts are aware that they have a problem, and they are being schooled on the origin of their addiction. They do not know how to move forward at this stage, so they need the help of counselors to help them make the right decision.
  • Preparation: This is the phase where they take the bold step. They can either decide to take the oath of abstinence or they get admitted into a rehab. The preparation phase prepares them for life after addiction recovery. A life where they would be completely sober.
  • Action: The action phase is regarded as the basis for long-term soberness. They have already been admitted at a rehab facility and recovery is already in motion. This is the point where a sense of accomplishment is built.
  • Maintenance: This phase is often overlooked and it would interest you to know that it is arguably the most important phase.

During this stage, there is a likely chance that recovering addicts would be tempted to resume their addiction. So, they need to adapt to structures in place set by rehab facilities to make sure it does not happen.


Anyone can be addicted although this possibility is not the same across all individuals. Addiction is a chronic disease of the brain. When it sets in, it has the capacity to control the way a person feels, thinks and acts.

Someone who is addicted is all after providing pleasure to the brain not minding the adverse consequences that are attached to it.

Most people’s definition of addiction is when you are hooked on drugs and alcohol. However, it is much more than that.

There are other forms of addiction like video gaming, sex, gambling and a host of others. Addiction comes with a particular format. It starts off as an abuse before it becomes an addiction.

There are some factors that can make you addictive without you being aware. For instance, if you hang around with people who abuse drugs and alcohol, there is a likely chance that you would get influenced in no time.

This is peer influence and it can happen to anybody. With time, you will be encouraged to start taking these substances and you could get addicted.

One of the signs to knowing you are addictive, is when the particular substance or behavior takes over your entire life.

If you become addicted to gambling, and it starts affecting your finances adversely, and it becomes hard for you to do anything about it, you might be addicted. Hence, there is an important need for you to check yourself.

People who are addicted would notice a decline in their productivity. The reason for this is because, they have given that addiction a top priority in their lives.

Hence, they will first satisfy their addiction before they face any other activity that they are meant to do.

One of the best ways to put a check on yourself, is to refrain from activities that are likely to get you addicted.

Everything about you needs to be done in moderation, so that you do not find yourself carrying out an addictive act.  


The conventional belief when it comes to addiction is the intake of substances like alcohol and drugs. Based on recent studies, addiction is likely to set in when there are rewards.

This implies that if there are rewards attached to taking any substance or showcasing a particular behavior, then people would get addicted.

Now, it would interest you to know that there is a thin line between excessive behavior and addiction. There are some individuals who take part in excessive activities but they are not addicts.

The reason for this is because, they do not undergo any adverse effect when they take part in the behavior.

Excessive behavior is also the same as excessive enthusiasm, and life is added in this case. For addiction, life is taken away gradually.

An addictive behavior comes with some unpleasant consequences. First off, an addiction is likely to be the most prioritized activity in the life of an individual. It could be one of the ways they use to step-up their mood.

In addition to this, they would most likely feel the desire to carry out that activity regularly for the effects to be felt. If they are unable to do it, they experience psychological and physical symptoms.

The availability of this could induce conflict both at work and in their personal lives. For some of them who try to give up, they experience relapse all times.

The mode of development of addictions is a complex one, be it behavioral or chemical.

It is very easy for you to spot chemical addictions, but behavioral addictions are usually referred to as the hidden forms of addiction. It would take a very observant person to know someone who has a behavioral addiction.

The responsibility of a healthcare provider is to make sure that all their patients have a clean bill of health. This is the reason why there should be a widespread awareness of all the common forms of addiction.

Family and friends need to be on the lookout for suspicious behaviors in their loved ones. If addiction is suspected, it should be treated with love instead of prejudice.