What are the effects of addiction

Addiction, which has been accurately identified to be a disease, has been found to come with unpleasant effects on the human body. When these effects or signs are recognized, it becomes easier to provide the individual with the right help they need.

The effects of addiction can be divided into three: psychological, social, and physical.

Psychological Effects

This occurs when the person finds it challenging to stop using addictive substances or indulging in addictive habits.

They will attempt it many times but would be unsuccessful. Sometimes, they may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that will force them back to their addiction.

In some cases, even if they have health issues, they will continue in their addiction not minding the possible complicated effects. They often feel the need to carry out their addictive habit or take the substance to handle their problems.

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Social Effects

Addiction can affect the way a person socializes with other people. For instance, the person might turn down an important social gathering so that they can have enough time for their addictive habits.

Someone who is addicted to alcohol might not attend a party where alcohol isn’t served. When they notice that their addictive habit won’t be fueled at any gathering, they prefer not to go.

In the long run, some of them begin to drop off activities and hobbies that were previously interesting to them.

Also, some addicted persons might begin to practice isolation and secrecy. They will prevent anyone from getting into their private space so that they won’t be found out.

Physical Effects

When it comes to physical effects, they are also physical symptoms you can notice when a person is addicted. There might be drastic changes in weight, appetite loss, insomnia or somnolence, increase in tolerance, observable physical defects, etc.

When a person discovers that they are showing some of these effects or signs, they may be pointers that addiction is in play. Hence, they should seek help from a therapist or an addiction counselor.

What are the types of addiction

Addiction is one of the most complex diseases known to man. However, different scientists and researchers have been able to have a better insight into how addiction generally works.

When people hear of addiction, the first thing they likely think of is drug and alcohol addiction. While this is correct, it is important to understand that there are other types of addiction.

Also, addiction is divided into two big categories namely substance/chemical and behavioral addiction.

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Substance/Chemical addiction

This is an addiction type where an individual is involved in the constant use of substances like drugs and alcohol. As they continue to use these substances, they find it difficult to stop or break free.

Then it gets to a point where they develop a strong dependence. If they stop using these substances for a short time, they experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that force them back to their addiction.

The known types of substance addiction are drug and alcohol addiction. Other types of substance addiction are categorized as drug or alcohol addiction.

Behavioral addiction

Behavioral addiction is when an individual develops compulsive behaviors that become a habit in the long run. It even gets to the point where there are no real benefits in sight.

But the individual continues to indulge in their addiction because they are used to it. Some types of behavioral addiction are food addiction, sex addiction, shopping addiction, gambling addiction, video gaming addiction, etc.

For both substance and behavioral addiction, the reward system of the brain is always affected. Both types of addiction provide an enjoyable feeling that you would not want to end.

During such periods, dopamine and other known chemicals are produced in excess. These chemicals intensify the association between your brain and those activities that cause you pleasure.

Hence, you are likely to indulge in those habits in the nearest future. As addiction develops, the individual is unlikely to participate in other activities because they have lost interest. During this phase, the brain doesn’t produce much dopamine when natural triggers are in place.

Addicted individuals need to seek support from a trained health professional because it is often challenging to stop their addicted lifestyle all by themselves.